Home > News > Berita industri > Untuk apa lilin jahitan kecantikan?..3, ketika dilapisi lilin jahitan, itu harus dibuang bolak-balik dalam posisi celah ubin keramik, tetapi tidak dapat dihapus ke bagian dalam celah ubin keramik, jika tidak mudah menyebabkan efek ikatan yang buruk d
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Untuk apa lilin jahitan kecantikan?..3, ketika dilapisi lilin jahitan, itu harus dibuang bolak-balik dalam posisi celah ubin keramik, tetapi tidak dapat dihapus ke bagian dalam celah ubin keramik, jika tidak mudah menyebabkan efek ikatan yang buruk d

Untuk apa lilin jahitan kecantikan?..3, ketika dilapisi lilin jahitan, itu harus dibuang bolak-balik dalam posisi celah ubin keramik, tetapi tidak dapat dihapus ke bagian dalam celah ubin keramik, jika tidak mudah menyebabkan efek ikatan yang buruk d

2021-11-19 11:51:34

There are many kinds of ceramic tiles. When the construction personnel of the joint agent carry out the construction of the joint, some oily wax will be applied around the gap of the special ceramic tile. Then what is the wax used for the joint?

A, what is the beauty seam wax used

Seam wax is used to apply on both sides of the ceramic tile gap, the purpose is to prevent the seam agent and the ceramic tile surface to produce direct contact, for the later easier to remove the residual seam agent around the ceramic tile gap, so that the ceramic tile seam effect is better.

The construction workers of Kelin epoxy gap filler manufacturer told me that the beauty seam wax is used for matte ceramic tile, because the surface of matte ceramic tile is not smooth, and it is easy to damage the ceramic tile in the process of shoveling the beauty seam agent.

Two, the beauty seam wax construction needs to pay attention to

1, Before the construction, should first clean up the dust, sand, dirt and other dirt in the ceramic tile gap, and need to clean the surface of the ceramic tile, and at the same time, need to keep it clean and dry, so as to avoid affecting the effect of the late beauty seam.

2. Next, the sponge configured with seam wax should be used to dip a layer of seam wax in the box, and then evenly smear it on both sides of the tile gap. The amount of smear does not need to be too much, as long as you can see there is a layer of smear.

4, After the construction of wax seam, you can start to carry out the construction of ceramic tile sealant. When the construction of ceramic tile sealant is completed and dry, you can use a spatula to remove the excess sealant around the gap, and the wax will be removed together.