Salju berat pertama di Liaoning..Sejak memasuki musim dingin, cuaca di Shenyang telah berubah, telah berubah panas dan dingin terus-menerus, semalam mulai salju, pagi ini untuk pergi bekerja telah mampu menenggelamkan kaki, berjalan sangat sulit, mud
2021-11-08 16:49:25
In the face of such heavy snow, schools and kindergartens have been closed, due to the slippery road, all cars are driving slowly, just for safety. For the sake of the safety of employees, Kelin tile grout supplier will work time delayed one hour, so humane company, to provide customers with high quality service is inevitable.
The snow did not stop, will continue until tomorrow, for children, snow can be regarded as a game, a toy, can be happy to play, and for adults, it is a big difficulty to go to work, but Kelin epoxy gap filler manufacturer hopes that all the people who go to work today can go to work smoothly, safe home.
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